Student Materials

Topics: student guide; additional resources

To Bring to the Workshops

Before class, be sure that you have the following materials:

  • Internet-connected computer, ideally with video camera.
  • Zoom account or other virtual meeting tool that has web conferencing features for chat, audio, and video.
  • Email account for creating GitHub account during in the session.
  • Google account for using Google Sheets.

Resources for Each Class Session

Week 1: Building a Digital Archive using CollectionBuilder

During the first week’s workshop, we will explore what CollectionBuilder as a platform is good for — making digital collections publicly available online. You will learn how to make a free GitHub account and begin interacting with the digital collections platform. You will learn how to upload digital collections into your CollectionBuilder site and gain experience with the very basics of working with metadata. By the end of the session, you will have a live digital collection to show anyone in the world!

  • The Week 1 Student Guide, Deploying CollectionBuilder on GitHub, offers step-by-step instructions for completing all of the activities covered by the first workshop.
  • During the first week of this workshop you will be customizing your CollectionBuilder-GH template using materials in the student_resources folder of this GitHub repository, which may be downloaded separately from the entire repository using this link generated via DownGit
Additional Resources for Week 1:

Week 2: Using Markdown to Write and Edit CollectionBuilder Pages

During the second workshop session in this series, you will learn how to write text using Markdown to create web pages. We will explore how CollectionBuilder uses Jekyll to “translate” our markdown into HTML. By the end of the session, you will have created and modified the text of your website.

Additional Resources for Week 2:

Week 3: Customizing your CollectionBuilder Project

In the final session of the workshop you will learn how to edit the theme.yml (found in your repository’s ‘_data/’ directory) to customize the visualizations and home page of your project. In the second half of the workshop, we will explore how to customize the content included on the browse, map, data, and item pages of your site.

Additional Resources for Week 3: