Week 2. Using Markdown to Write and Edit CollectionBuilder Pages

Topics: HTML; Markdown; Liquid code snippets

During the second workshop session in this series, you will learn how to write text using Markdown to create web pages. We will explore how CollectionBuilder uses Jekyll to “translate” our markdown into HTML. By the end of the session, you will have created and modified the text of your website.

Learning Objectives and Aligned Assessments

Learning Objectives Aligned Assessments
By the end of this class, you will be able to By the end of class, participants will have
1. Use Markdown to create web content
2. Describe how Jekyll converts Markdown to HTML
1. Practiced writing Markdown in dillinger.io and explored the HTML created from it.
2. Created or modified a Markdown page in your demo project.


ISTE 1.6b, “Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.”


Resource Type Links & Materials
Instructor Materials - Internet-connected computer, ideally with video camera.
- Zoom account or other virtual meeting tool that has web conferencing features for chat, audio, and video.
- Learn Static Workshop Pages
- GitHub account
- Google account for using Sheets
Learner Materials - Internet-connected computer, ideally with video camera.
- Zoom account or other virtual meeting tool that has web conferencing features for chat, audio, and video.
- Google account for using Sheets
- Week 2 Student Guides: Understanding CollectionBuilder Pages and Using Markdown to Write and Edit CollectionBuilder Pages. This content builds on our generic Learn Static Markdown Module


During Class

Estimated time Topic/Material Covered Activity/Delivery Method
1. 5 minutes Icebreaker  
2. 10 minutes Workshop Overview 1. Review website structure and answer questions
3. 30 minutes Introduction to the elements of a Markdown page Walk students through the explanation and activities in Understanding CollectionBuilder Pages
4. 30 minutes Markdown Activity Set-Up 1. Introduce Markdown and how it translates to HTML.
2. Introduce dillinger.io as a place to explore Markdown -> HTML
3. Invite students to complete the Markdown activity Using Markdown to Write and Edit CollectionBuilder Pages at their own pace. This allows students to more easily flip between screens on a small laptop.
6. 15 minutes Final wrap-up and questions 1. Any specific follow up questions on the exercises. 2. 3-2-1 Reflection:
- 3 things you found interesting
- 2 things you’ve learned
- 1 thing you still have a question about

After Class Students will be directed via a follow-up email to the resources listed on the Student Materials page.